We’re gay and lesbian.
We’re trans and nonbinary.
 We’re ace and bi.
We’re queer. We’re allies.

We’re Methodists.

For the first time, in 2022, United Methodist congregations across the Bull City joined together to celebrate our queer selves and the people/churches that love us. In 2023 we did it again, bigger than before, and we’re not stopping there.

Support DQM

Show your support for creating welcoming and inclusive methodist communities by donating to Durham Queer Methodists. Your donation will be used to amplify the voice and reach of DQM as we become official sponsors of Durham PRIDE, expand our marketing efforts, and host guest speakers and musicians for our annual Queerly Beloved worship service. Click the link below and select “DURHAM QUEER METHODISTS” from the list of options.

Donations are administered by Duke Memorial UMC on behalf of Durham Queer Methodists.

Durham Queer Methodists is a cooperative of United Methodist congregations throughout Durham who are committed to the full inclusion and welcome of Queer people and their families within their communities.

  • We acknowledge and grieve both the historical and present-day reality of harm inflicted upon LGBTQ+ people by church policies, practices, and individuals.

    While the churches affiliated with Durham Queer Methodists are affirming—a common term to indicate support, inclusion and knowledge of queer people—we acknowledge the exclusoinary, harmful, and non-affirming policies and beliefs still held by the global denomination of The United Methodist Church (UMC).

    In direct resistance to our UMC denomination, our communities have individually adopted practices and policies to affirm people of all sexualities and genders. We are grateful for Durham PRIDE for including us in this great celebration of Durham’s LGBTQ+ community.Description text goes here